
What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a framework that helps people to design websites easier, faster, and with convenience. Now, what is a framework? A framework is a collection of code already written for users to build a website quickly. It is free and open-source, developed by Jacob Thornton and Mark Otto at Twitter. It was previously known as Twitter Blueprint. Bootstrap means ‘to load’ or ‘to boot’. It helps to load a program on a computer using a smaller program to launch a bigger one. One can create responsive web applications using Bootstrap. The framework includes CSS and HTML-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, image carousels, etc. It provides support for JavaScript plug-ins. 

What is responsive design? 

The responsive design adapts itself automatically to different screen sizes. It helps to get optimal experience regarding viewing and interaction. It provides easy viewing, reading, and application without resizing or zooming in, zooming out the screen. As a result, the content and implementation are compatible with various range of devices, including computers, laptops, notebooks, tablets, and mobile phones alike. This is a vital design feature especially for app websites. This is commonly utilized by adult dating apps like in order to increase their speed and mobile optimization to stand out from other competing sex apps as they detail here. The adult app space is very competitive like many other spaces and this places a premium on fast loading responsive sites making Bootstrap an ideal framework.

Some crucial information that one must know:

  • Bootstrap is the most favorable framework for making layouts.
  • Bootstrap is compatible with all browsers, including Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome. One can use Bootstrap in any source of technology, any web application, and on any platform.
  • Bootstrap’s responsive CSS finely tunes with desktops, tablets, and phones. 
  •  The set up is effortless. It creates a working design in less than an hour.
  • One does not need to know CSS and HTML thoroughly to utilize Bootstrap. If one is a backend developer who needs to make changes in some User Interfaces can use Bootstrap.
  •  When an update is installed upon the previous version of Bootstrap, one won’t see multiple errors as their core team scrutinizes about backward compatibility.
  •  Bootstrap is extremely customizable. Anyone can pick components according to his likings. Also, one can open variables file to get options regarding behavior customization and more color.
  • Bootstrap sorts out by itself many issues regarding cross-browser usage. 
  • Bootstrap’s components are well-adopted to the system of JS MVC Frameworks.
  • It offers many helpful classes that create the development of a website fast and easily.
  • The documentation of Bootstrap is incredible. Every code has a detail description and also is explained explicitly on their website. The explanations contain basic implementation. It simplifies the process even for the beginners. To use these details, one has to choose a component. Then, he has to copy and paste it into the page.
  • Bootstrap can be cut down into three main files: glyphicons (a font ), bootstrap.js (a jQuery/ JavaScript framework) and bootstrap.css (a CSS framework).
  • It needs jQuery to function correctly. jQuery is a widely used JavaScript library that simplifies and adds cross-browser quotient to JavaScript.
  • It comes with its separate grid system that is predefined.
  • Bootstrap comes with its unique code for instinctively resizing images based on the provided screen size. One has to add the .img-responsive class to the given images, and the preset CSS rules make necessary changes automatically.
  • Bootstrap can change the shape of the images with the insertion of classes. One can modify it by using “img-rounded” and “img-circle” . That too without going up and down between the code.

Advantages of using Bootstrap:

  • It saves a lot of time.
  • It is easier and has a user-friendly interface.
  • It supports responsive design.
  • As different developers using Bootstrap makes use of a centralized code base, it creates consistency.
  • It is highly customizable. One can customize various things as Common CSS, Components, JavaScript Components, and import jQuery plug-ins and less variables.
  • The community supporting Bootstrap is quite huge. If one faces a problem regarding Bootstrap, he can get the help of the community.
  • There is a twelve color grid system.

Bootstrap contains:

bootstrap features
  1. A basic structure with background, link styles, and Grid Systems.
  2. It comes with an advanced grid system, basic HTML elements, and universal CSS settings. 
  3. It contains many recyclable components built to give pop-overs, alerts, dropdowns, iconography, and navigation.
  4. It also contains many customizable jQuery plug-ins. One can install them one by one or together.
  5. The components provided by Bootstrap are customizable. One can adjust jQuery plug-ins, LESS variables, and other options.
  6. It also includes Thumbnails, Progress bars, Dropdowns, and Navigation bars. 
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Knowledge isn’t a one man’s task; what it needs is channelized transfer and sharing from one person to the other. What needs to be done is to record every kind of data or new findings at a place. Small inputs lead on to bigger results which eventually makes things better and organized. Today technology is at its peak, new advancements, findings, or inventions occur at almost every hour. Such high is the frequency of this random data.

Random data coagulation is the primary issue. It means that when you receive a vast chunk of data in an unorganized form, it is of no use. That heap stands worthless, no matter how much worth it might be in terms of data it has. Same is the scenario with programming. Coding is a task that requires expertise and self-exploration. At the same time, programming involves some highly intellectual stuff, some unknown, unforeseen possibilities which are certainly not possible for a person to rectify. Here where git hub’s importance for programmers comes in handy.

How can the scenario change?

It can only be possible when collaborators are allowed to come on a large-scale platform where they ponder on one main issue. That issue can be anything ranging from a small problem with a small sample space to a more significant problem prospect. The need of the hour is the organization of this massive chunk of data or information. That’s where platforms like GitHub come in handy.

GitHub is a platform where programmers all over the world come up and share knowledge. GitHub has made that chunk of data which was previously highly unorganized in an organized fashion. The basic idea of GitHub lies in the fact that it allows you to create a virtual world. You can create your virtual world, which will enable you to experiment in the environment of your choice. Git hub’s importance for programmers can also be judged by the fact that programmers have started using it as their workplace to show their talents. The vastness of the variety of work in GitHub has become staggering. On the platform you can find examples of all different types of websites from ecommerce to adult and meet and fuck sites. You can also find diverse web applications from adult dating apps, games, and utilities.

Advantages Of Github 

Many engineering colleges, including premier engineering colleges of India such as IITs, NITs uses this software in a mandate. Every development you do git hub is a profile that reflects it all. Knowing the use of GitHub and what can be the best ways to explore it is the key.

The introduction of different kinds of the environment within GitHub, it has allowed flexibility towards a lot of developers. There are many instances where a person wants to explore different types of development and analysis. GitHub doesn’t restrict you to do any of that. You have full access to everything available on Github. Also, for reference, you can use any other profile of a professional if you want to.

GitHub’s importance for programmers is also evident from its popularity among masses. In case you want to experiment with an environment, you can do it for free on Github. GitHub also allows you to save your work for future reference. It can be again used in the time to come.

Say, for instance, you want to sit in a placement drive, and you want to represent every work that you have done to date. Here again, GitHub is evident as it allows you to save your work till date. You can directly attach a link to your GitHub page, and in no time the company has the data to what your career works and they can also see, how much progress you have done to date. It serves as your resume.

Environments In Github

GitHub is a place that allows you to write your codes in multiple languages. 80+languages ensure that the span of your knowledge does not constrain you. All you would need is a thorough knowledge of your domain, be it C++, C, Java, Python, Django, or any other language. It also supports different types of environments, be it repository editing, android development, or website development. Such a diverse and vast environment provided by GitHub helps the users exposed to the even better modular approach.

Major Benefits For Programmers

GitHub’s importance for programmers is evident from the following benefits:

  • You get an altogether more extensive range of languages to deal with.
  • A whole new environment to experiment with your work.
  • You can learn from others.
  • You can access any file and getting an answer to questions.
  • Dealing with more significant problems already done by others

Now the best part of git hub’s importance for programmers lies in knowing what the best is possible and the ways to achieve this. Let’s start it off with a small example; you want to work on something big, you have some idea or say you know a snippet of the code. But you are highly skeptic about the other half. You either have no idea of what needs to be done, or you have some idea, hence what is the best thing you can do?

You can go and look for an already worked repository on GitHub; there is a high number of chances where someone across the globe might have performed the same or almost the same task. It makes it interesting; you can check the status of the guy and after that, choose your selection. It filters your chances of ending up at the right place too. It also helps you decide what to choose in a better fashion.

Hence by a platform like GitHub, which is like google for programmers, git hub’s importance for programmers is something that requires the best of knowledge. Hence the channelized flow of this information is altogether necessary; what needs to be done is that this information needs to be recorded at one place and published in a very structured manner. This is the way we justify the git hub’s importance for the programmer.… Read The Rest


Dependencies are the relationships of the preceding tasks to the succeeding task. Both Pipenv and its successor, Poetry, are dependency management tools which are most popular with developers worldwide. But how do they compare with each other? Pipenv Vs Poetry tells us how.


Dependencies are created whenever a class depends on another class. If a class A depends on a class B to function, class A is called a “dependent”, while class B is known as a “dependency”. It means that, to use or reuse class A, class B must also be used (or reused). Whenever object oriented design of API’s and Applications are done, Dependencies and their removal become important. Any discussion on OOP (Object Oriented Programming) is incomplete without mentioning Dependencies and loose couplings. Two classes that use each other are called “coupled”. The coupling between classes can be loose or tight, or a bit of both. Actually, the degree of tightness is continuous, and is often characterized as “strong” or “weak”.

But Dependencies represent weaknesses in OOP. They decrease reuse. Reuse has positive impact on development speed, code quality and code readability, and so on. The three different types of Dependencies are Class, Interface and Method/Field Dependencies. Dependencies also have important characteristics. They can be runtime, compile-time, hidden or visible, local and contextual, direct or indirect. But whatever they are, they need to be eliminated, or at least, Managed.

Pipenv Vs Poetry

Poetry and Pipenv are both budding next-gen Python dependent-management paraphernalia. They both have strong similarities, but are different too. The following is a comparison of the salient points of Pipenv Vs Poetry:

  • Each tool simplifies the procedure to create a virtual environment, and organizing dependencies.
  • By locking dependencies to specific versions, both of them guarantee that builds of the package are reproducible.
  • Poetry and Pipenv work by specifying separate development and core dependents in split sections of the same file to replace separate dependency files.
  • But Poetry has a larger feature set than Pipenv.
  • Both can be used to manage packages and publish packages too. But Poetry is faster, and it is more actively developed, where this is measured by releases. Pipenv was last released on November 26, 2018, but Poetry has been releasing versions every few days.
  • When first released, upgrading any single package of Pipenv upgraded all dependencies. This behavior is now being corrected, though.
  • By default, Poetry installs dev dependencies, while Pipenv installs only dependencies.
  • Poetry performs file locking sooner than Pipenv. Both tools execute file lock post commands, so Poetry feels quicker and snappier when in daily use.
  • Dependencies are differently added in each tool. Pipenv “install” command is dual purpose. Only that package specified will be installed on “pipenv install” command. If no package is specified, all (non-dev) dependencies are also installed.
  • Poetry’s output offers more know-how about Pipenv, inclusive all sub-dependents and further versions.
  • Poetry, unlike Pipenv, has separate commands for adding a new dependency and installing existing dependencies. In this it is similar to Yarn.
  • For security purposes, Poetry checks installed package hashes. To do this, Poetry creates a provisional prerequisite file to create pip checking hashes. This creates an overhead, which brings about the distinction between both the Tools.
  • Poetry also uninstalls sub-dependencies when trying to remove a specified dependency, provided of course no other package will use them. But Pipenv doesn’t make it a benchmark to follow, for example, and orphans 5 dependents.
  • This was one of the reasons why Poetry was originally developed. In Pipenv, the User may not even realize that the dependencies are inactive until a wrecked build is pushed.
  • Simplified management of Python dependencies is the objective of both Tools. Pipenv is supported officially by the Authority – Python Packaging, and also by Buildpack – Heroku Python, and this is important for developers with Dokku or Heroku based deploying strategy.
  • But Poetry covers all aspects of package management and dependency management. In comparison to Pipenv, Poetry’s separate “install” and “add” commands are clearer and explicit, and is always faster.
  • But there are two pointers where Pipenv is often preferred over Poetry. These are as follows: first, Pipenv supports to export a “requirement.txt” file. Secondly, Poetry presently cannot avoid any package installation as a dependent.
  • But it seems that the imminent release of Poetry v1.0 will take care to remove these two problems. So that even in this area, Poetry will have caught up with and left Pippenv behind.
  • Pipenv’s commands and options are always confusing and unclear, and many options are not available.
  • Many User’s patience were tested beyond the limit by regression issues of Pipenv. Testing against cross platform and multi-environment is not only complicated and difficult, it is very time consuming. But not with Poetry.
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What To Love About Swift

Looking at Swift Programming Language

Swift came into existence in the year 2014. It is a programming language developed by Apple Inc. to replace their existing programming language “Objective -C.” Despite creating a whole new language, there are parts that you get to experience familiarity when developing in Objective-C and C.

Since the 1980s, Objective-C was the primary programming language used by Apple for their operating systems. Seeing the lack of modern language aspects, Apple developed Swift with a modern approach.

Understanding Swift

Apple created the next-generation programming language-Swift that offers safety, good performance, and patterns for software designs. It helps you to develop apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and the Apple Watch.

Since its development, the main goal of Swift is to avoid errors that might occur while coding. So, with Swift as your programming language, you can prevent mistakes that might crash your newly built app.

With its modern features and updates, it minimizes the coding process alongside simple grammar and syntax. Unlike Objective-C, there is no division of classes in Swift, which prevents rigorous coding.

In a modern Swift language, you can expect:

  • Less coding
  • Safe design
  • Interactive and fun coding
  • It offers a single code file
  • Easy syntax
  • Improvement in quality code
  • Advocates dynamic library

Some of the main aspects of the Swift programming language

  • Short and clear

Unlike Objective-C, Swift has a concise set of code that you can understand without any problem. You don’t have to learn how to read or write simplified syntax and grammar.

  • Fast

Swift is a fast-performing programming language. It enables you to optimize swift code with new and improved performance. With Swift, you will see effective work production.

  • Adaptability

Swift is not compatible only with Apple’s devices, but it also works on Windows and Linux. Developers can also work on Objective-C by using Swift’s features. It is interoperable.

  • Easy maintenance

Swift programming language is easy to maintain. Developers don’t have to worry about managing different files. Because of its concise nature, it reduces dependencies and raises the efficiency of a developer.

  • Easy learning process

Swift is not a complex programming language. Developers don’t face many challenges as it is simple and easy. It depends on the fundamental development that includes variables, logic flows, and syntax. Since there is a similarity with Objective-C, it becomes easier for the developers to understand the language. They only have to learn the modern features.

Why should you learn Swift programming language?

Swift is one of the popular programming languages that developers widely use. With its modern approach, coding has become fun and easy to learn. Some of the reasons to learn Swift programming language are as follow:

  • It ranked fifth among the top programming languages in the world.
  • Swift follows an open-source programming language.
  • It offers security as compared to other programming languages.
  • It has automatic memory management.
  • Swift continued to thrive and is often considered one of the fastest-growing languages.
  • In Swift programming language, the codes are easily read and understood.
  • The modern features in the Swift programming language enable an easy and simplified process.
  • Swift programming language allows fast execution course.

Applicability and relevance of Swift

Since releasing in 2014, Swift has become a popular programming language. With a modern approach, it aims to create a language that is safe and fast. Today, most of the Apple devices has their application written in Swift. It is the standard language for Apple.

The job prospect for Swift developers looks promising since Apple uses Swift for most of its applications. Your career aspect in Apple will tie in once you start using this programming language.

With the current update, i.e., Swift 5.4, you will see various updates. One of the updates is the progress of Swift on the Windows platform. Now, the Swift package manager will work on Windows. Since its development, there is a consistent update of Swift.

It is evolving over the years by updating and developing features that enable the developmental process simple. Because of its flexibility in nature, it is not only confined to Apple devices. It also acquired a large, enthusiastic community within few years since its establishment. Swift also ranked 14th as the most favorable programming language by StackOverflow in the year 2017.… Read The Rest

Languages We Love For Front-End Web Development

The total Web Development process includes diverse but related activities, such as, Web Design, Web Content Development, Scripting (both Server-side and Client-side), along with Network Privacy and Security Considerations. Front End Web Development is the Client-side Scripting Development that involves the use of certain programming languages to script and create a Website/Application for direct interaction between the Server and the User. This means that the data is converted to a graphical interface through programming languages which allow the Users to view and interact directly with the Data. Programming languages commonly used for Front End Web Development are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These languages allow the User to see and interact directly with the Front End. Would-be Web Developers are keen to know what constitutes – Best Languages To Know For Front End Web Development.

Development Languages

The main Front End languages in use today are HTML, CSSand JavaScript. Others in current use include VBScript and Ajax. One however needs to update his/her technical skills and in-depth knowledge at all times, to be accepted as a high quality professional Front End Programmer. On the basis of the above mentioned three main Languages, the modern tools are ‘jQuery’, ‘AngularJS’ and ‘Nodejs’, among several others under development. These three main languages form the basis of all that the User sees and interacts with, at the Front End of a website, and which are controlled by the User’s computer browser. Some of these include tools like – Fonts, Buttons, Sliders, Drop-down Menus and Contact Forms.

Best Languages

Let us now consider the three main languages for Web Development, as follows:

  • HTML: This is recursive acronym of the name of this language, Hyper Text Markup Language, and is basically the backbone of the entire Website Development process. It is this Code that provides an overall framework of how a site will look. The latest version of HTML is known as HTML5. This provides the most efficient way of handling diverse elements like video and audio files.
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets or CSS describes the display portion of HTML elements on screen, paper or in other media. CSS has a unique ability of controlling the layout of multiple Web Pages simultaneously. External Style Sheets can also be stored in CSS files. It describes the presentation of Fonts, Layout, Colors and Web Pages. The Programmer can settle in the presentation to diverse devices or screens or printers. Interestingly, CSS is quite independent of HTML and can be used with any XHTML-based Markup Language. The three types of CSS are – Inline CSS, Internal CSS and External CSS. CSS allows the parting of Document content, which may be written in Markup Language or HTML. The term ‘Cascading’ is used to describe the fall from one Style Sheet to another. Separate Style Sheets associated with this activity are the Browser’s Style Sheet, the User’s Style Sheet and so on. CSS was first proposed by Hakon Wium Lie at CERN, Switzerland, in October 10 1994, while working with Tim Berners-Lee. While CSS Color Property is used for text colors, HTML Style and Link Elements are respectively used for Inline, Internal, and External CSS Files. CSS3 is the latest version of CSS, which brings in a lot of new features like – Rounded Corner, Animations and Transitions, etc, with Multi-column, Grid Layouts or Flexible Box.
  • JavaScript: JS or JavaScript is an interpretive just-in-time compiled programming language, which is also very light-weight and also has first class functions. JS is the most popular Scripting Language for Web Pages, but also has many non-browsing environmental uses, such as Adobe Acrobat. JS is a Front End Web Development Language which can be used for creating Web Pages, where it acts in a Stand-alone Mode developed in Netscape. It is used particularly when a Web Page needs to be developed as dynamic and to add special effects on pages like Roll Over and Roll Out.

One modern variation on JS is AJAX, abbreviates to “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”, which can be used for creating fast and dynamic web pages. It further allows updating of the different web pages, without having to reload the entire page, making it a powerful addition to the list of the Best Languages To Know For Front End Web Development.… Read The Rest

Programming Languages Guide For Mobile App Development 2020

A programming language is a set of rules for performing algorithms in computing devices. There are two types of programming languages- (i) Low-Level Language and (ii) High-Level Language. Low-Level Language can further be categorized into two-(i) Machine Language (1GL) and (ii) Assembly Language(2GL). Low-Level Language is easier to understand by computer. High-Level Language is of three types-(i) Procedural-Oriented Language (3GL), (ii) Problem-Oriented language (4GL) and (iii) Natural language (5GL). High-Level Language is like human language and vocabulary. It is easier to learn by human beings. There are several languages for developing a mobile app.

  1. Java: Java is the most essential, highly enrolled, and prominent app for coding. It is used for developing android app, back-end web frameworks, and for developing desktop applications. Java uses JVM, which functions fluently in every system. Java provides engineers with fluent and error-less mobile app development. 
  2. PHP: Zend Technologies developed PHP in 1995, which is a server-side scripting language. One can create all types of mobile applications, web applications, and dynamic websites can by using PHP. Many other uses of PHP include- creating Facebook apps, GUI, PDFs, image processing, and content management systems.
  3. Python: Various business organizations and other enterprises prefer Python as a programming language as it offers a better experience by users and better results. The primary, natural, and unmistakable syntax of Python, corresponding English, has placed it as among ten best programming languages.
  4. C++: C++ inherited its syntax from C. It helps to develop cross-platform mobile apps with its special debugging characteristics. C++ has more ability than to create mobile apps. It can aid in creating operating systems and complex applications like creating Google Chrome, Paypal, Photoshop. 
  5. Kotlin: Kotlin is an object-oriented language. It is comparatively clean than Java though its structure is quite similar to it. Kotlin supports nearly all the IDEs, including SDK toolkit and Android Studio. It supports JVM or Java virtual machine. Further, Kotlin can be mixed with JavaScript source code. 
  6. HTML5: HTML5 is the fifth version of Hyper Text Markup Language or HTML. One can build a web-fronted mobile app. HTML5 is not specifically designed for mobile app development. One has to use with various other apps as Javascript. One can develop games as it supports both audios and videos. Popular apps that use HTML5 technology include Google Drive and Google Docs. Various mobile and computer browsers are made using HTML5. 
  7. Objective-C: It is a programming language used for general purposes. Objective-C is a variation of C programming. Before Swift was developed, Apple used it for developing OS X and iOS. Objective-C allows one to create every kind of application, as many apps rely on the frameworks provided by Objective-C. 
  8. jQuery: One can diminish many issues related to cross-browser java-script using jQuery. The friendly format of the syntax of jQuery helps the users to navigate the document freely and conveniently. It also aids in to choose the right elements in DOM or Document Objective Model, to make Ajax applications, to manage events, and to create animations. 
  9. SQL: The full form of SQL is Structured Query Language. Structured Query Language is a domain-specific language intended for designing stream processing in RDBMS. The SQL database is a standard database that is also adopted by ISO and ANSI. In SQL, one does not need to write ample amounts of code to organize a database system.
  10. GoLang: Go, or GoLang is a programming language developed by Google. The special features include multithreading which is the reason why organizations that depend on distributed systems use GoLang. GoLang comes with an inclusive quotidian library. There are various inbuilt features and functions useful for simple primitive programs. But for complex ones, it creates some problems as it does not come with a virtual machine.
  11. Buildfire.js: Buildfire.js make use of the Javascript and BuildFire SDK to permit developers to create mobile apps with the support of BuildFire back-end at an unparalleled rate. BuildFire already provides 70% of the standard business use cases. This allows the developers to construct only unique things specific for the clients rather than beginning from scratch. 
  12. C#: C# or C Sharp is a multi-paradigm and object-oriented programming language. One can create almost everything using C#, like gaming, mobile apps, web services, and server applications. 

This is not a comprehensive list. There are several other programming languages such as Swift, R, Corona, Lua, Rust, ObjectPascal, Ruby, QML, Perl, ActionScript, Scratch, Boo, Scheme and so on. … Read The Rest

Examining jQuery

Among many of the e-libraries jQuery is the easiest one that simplifies web applications especially HTML. It is an Javascript open source library which makes the navigation simple as well as make its creation easy to go. Mainly it simplifies document object model creations and its manipulations. It also works on XML, and asynchronous event handling. So basically jQuery is a set of Javascript libraries which specifically simplifies HTML documents, Ajax animations and event handling. jQuery doesn’t require more effort for coding so it is a simple and less coding needed set of Javascript. Before jQuery was created most of the developers used Javascript to create the web designs and frameworks but it was time consuming as well as complicated in terms of coding and web browsing. So to simplify the process group of web developers created a set of Javascript libraries which was more powerful and easy. So both are the same languages but it is a modified version of Javascripts that simplifies the HTML documents mainly.

Difference in jQuery and JavaScript:

Mainly it focuses on working in less coding. It is mainly optimized to work in a simplified way with a variety of web developers. It takes less time in animation and event handling for most of the web browsers. Most of the Javascripts libraries work in a complex and large coding manner as compared to jQuery, that’s why this is the most used library in today’s time. Some projects need specific coding functions which are only available in traditional javascripts but jQuery can also make their styles scripted in its manner too. So it is a quick and more smart script as compared to others. Javascript still has difficulties to work on cross browsers but in the case of jQuery it can work with a variety of browsers in a simplified manner. So it is a less effort webtool which gives more results to get desired framework in a simple and light manner. As in Javascripts a lot of coding is required so jQuery can shorten those codes and lines in a simplified single line of coding wrap which makes the content more focused. That’s why it is the most popular yet most used library these days by many big names like Google, IBM, Microsoft and Netflix etc. In addition to simplifying the HTML codes and documents it also works on animations and graphic effects. DOM means documents objects model, it also can manipulate these programs as well as it can handle AJAX and HTML events with ease and less coding. Beside this it can also manipulate CSS scripts and utilities with a variety of browsers including cross browsers too which can not be worked with other Javascripts.


It helps to create dynamic web pages which provide a more powerful framework. These web pages are also helpful in making diverse web applications and their manipulation in scripts if required. In order to simplify the content first it separates HTML and Javascript libraries so that web developers can use these events separately and easily. With its shorthand functions it can make the content more clear and precise. Beside that it has the quality to add new methods and events to the previous elements so it has adaption quality which makes it more friendly to users. It can also work with other Javascripts that were being used highly before it. Because of its key features it became highly popular among web users as it is now used by top of the websites and used by more than 74% of users worldwide after its launch in 2006.

By its jQuery plug-in feature it became more accessible and extensible for manipulating events. As it has an open source engine called Sizzle it enhances the work efficiency with different varieties of web browsers. It can control asynchronous processing of lines and codes and also provide detection of features. The most important feature of jQuery is it can cope up with both modern browsers as well as old browsers which makes it compatible to all the browsers.

So it is a wrap up of many Javascript files which includes HTML, DOM, AJAX events and their files with manipulation and scripting of different files and their events in a less coding service for all the different web developers and browsers.… Read The Rest

Prominent Computer Programmers To Know

Computer programing is the backbone of designing or performing a specific computer task. Computer programing has become an essential part of this technological era. For the last couple of decades, this process evolved a lot. Today, there are ample opportunities and scopes for computer programmers. Every industry is depending on a proper programmer for the execution of work.

Computer programing requires skills in coding and creativity. Programmers use several platforms to execute their codes. There are various types of tasks for an industry that requires coding.

In today’s era, any manufacturing industry also uses the automation process, and they are continuously developing. Programmers have lots of scopes to show their creativity and execute their idea in these types of fields. Till today the world has seen several efficient programmers.

In this article, we shall discuss the greatest and famous programmers of all time. We shall also see the qualities that made the greatest.

Qualities of a great programmer

Great programmers are always known for their skills in coding. Apart from this, there are lots of conditions that are special. That is the thing that differentiates among a good programmer and the best programmer.

  • Positive attitude: A great programmer always ensures the best result. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a positive attitude. Programming is such a thing that makes anyone frustrated. It involved frequent correction, algorithm setup, trial and error, and much more. It is essential to hold a positive attitude. A great programmer does not let their ego and frustration get in the way.
  • Excellent communication skills: Programming involves continuous learning and upgrading skills. A great programmer is always reliable and has strong work ethics. First, they understand the task correctly; then, they communicate with the client for time and required liabilities. They also deal with the feedbacks and take decisions from this.
  • Quick learning ability: Programmers are amazing self-learners. They try to create new things. They always try to find shortcuts to execute a particular situation. They understand the problem faster than others and finds the solution.
  • Broad technical knowledge: Programmers have to give solutions for complex problems. This requires a depth of expertise in a particular field. Having a grip on the topic is very important.
  • Good team worker: Great programmers are always good to team players. They can handle a team by guiding them. They always ensure the best result from their side.

There were only a few people in the world who had all these qualities. These qualities only made them famous programmers.

Top programmers of all time

Computer in a complex machine. People can interact with its graphical interface. The central processing of the background is kept hidden. Only the brilliant mindsets can understand the details of the background process and its coding.

In this era, computer programmers are changing the world by developing existing programs. Here is the list of some famous programmers.

dennis ritchie unix creator
  • Dennis Ritchie: Dennis was a computer scientist. He shaped and pioneered the digital era. He created the most common used language that is the C programming language. Based on C programming, there are several languages and technical platforms. C programs are used in embedded systems, operating systems, software application, and much more. It also influenced several computer languages of this era. Dennis also created UNIX operating system along with their team members. He received several awards since 1983. He influenced the technical advancement of the world and became an inspiration for the programmers.
linus torvalds linux kernal developer
  • Linus Torvalds: Linus is a software engineer. He developed the principle driving force for the development of the Linux kernel. Later on, he became the chief architect of Linux Kernel. He is presently the project coordinator. He received the Millennium technology prize in 2012. His operating system spread widely. Most importantly, it is an open-source OS.
bjarne stroustrup c++ programming language inventor
  • Bjarne Stroustrup: Bjarne Stroustrup is a computer scientist from Denmark. He is a professor of the College of Engineering Chair in computer science at Texas A&M University. He created one of the most popular programming languages called C++. Based on C++, there are several modern languages such as python, ruby, and much more. He evolved the C++ language and used it for designing purposes and much more.
timothy john computer scientist
  • Timothy John: Timothy John or Tim is a computer scientist from Britain. He proposed the most used platform that is the World Wide Web. The established a successful communication between hypertext transfer protocol client and the server by using the internet. He created this in 1989, and today it is the backbone of our daily life. He is the holder of the founder chair of MIT computer science and AI laboratory.
guido van rossum python programming language creator
  • Guido Van Rossum: Guido Van Rossum is a computer programmer from Denmark who created python programing language. It is widely used today. He developed python language while he was working with google. He created a code review system, Mondrian that is used by Google. After working seven years on google, he is now working in Dropbox.
james arthur gosling java programming language creator
  • James Arthur Gosling: James is a computer scientist and an officer of order in Canada. He performed several coding and finally created a masterpiece that is JAVA programming language. He created JAVA in 1994, and soon it became famous. It is an object-oriented programing language that is used by students even today.
  • Bill Gates: Bill gates if one of the most famous programmers in the world. He is an American businessman, computer programmer, PC pioneer, philanthropist, and investor. He is known for his creation, that is Microsoft. He is the current chairman of Microsoft. He is known as one of the best entrepreneurs in the world. His production is leading in the market since the last decade.

Several famous programmers in the world created many useful platforms. All these platforms are used even today. Certain evolutions modifications have taken place on these platforms.

These famous programmers and coders have put a benchmark for today’s programmers and upcoming programmers. They made the technological world even more accessible. Day by day, it is developing more. … Read The Rest

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Python

Python is a general-purpose, high-level, interpreted, and dynamic programming language that focuses on code intelligibility. The syntax in Python assists the users in doing coding in lesser steps as compared to C++ or Java. The developer Guido Van Rossum founded Python in 1991. Because of its different programming paradigms, many significant organizations use Python. They usually involve object-oriented and imperative functional programming. Python contains a comprehensive and vast standard library having dynamic features and automatic memory management. While it may not be the best for building a mobile app like Tinder or another iconic app, Python is everywhere when it comes to well known online assets that we use everyday.


  • Python is extensible in C, C++, and C#
  • It is a high-level language
  • Python is portable
  • It is object-oriented
  • Python is dynamic, modular, interpreted, embedded and interactive


  • Python unites the Enterprise Application Integration that makes it simple to initiate Web services by invoking COBRA or COM components. It has strong control capabilities as it operates directly through C, C++, and Java via Jython. As it can run on all modern platforms and operating systems through a similar byte code, Python also processes XML and other markup languages.  
  • It is an extensible, as well as an embeddable language. One can put his Python code in the source code of a different language, like C or C++. It lets the programmer add scripting capabilities to his code in the other language.
  • It offers extensive standard libraries that include areas like protocols, operating system interfaces, web service tools, Internet, and string operations. Python comprises most of the highly used programming task protocols that limit the length of the codes to be written in Python.
  • Clean object-oriented designs and the expanded support libraries increase the programmer’s productivity two to tenfold while using languages like C, C++, C#, VB, Java, and Perl.
  • Its enhanced control capabilities, unit testing framework, and active process integration features contribute towards the increased speed for most applications and the productivity of applications. It is an excellent option for creating scalable multi-protocol network applications.


  • The users of Python become habituated to its features and its elaborate libraries. As a result, they face problems in learning or functioning on other programming languages. Python experts may see the declaring of variable “types” or, cast “values” and syntactic necessities of attaching curly braces or semicolons as a difficult task.
  • Python performs with the help of an interpreter rather than with a compiler. It causes Python to slow down because compilation and execution help it to work normally. 
  • Python is useful for many desktop and server platforms. Though, some consider it a weak language for mobile computing. For this, hardly any mobile applications are having built in Python like Carbonnelle.
  • Python is a dynamic language. It has many design restrictions, as reported by some Python developers. Python needs more testing time, and the errors show up while running the applications finally.
  • As compared to the welcomed technologies like ODBC and, JDBC Python’s DAL or Database Access Layer is seen to be a bit underdeveloped. However, one cannot apply Python in the organizations that require smooth interaction of complex legacy data.

Python is a strong high-level programming language that offers easy usage of the code lines. One can easily do maintenance works and debugging in Python quickly. As Google has made Python one of its official programming languages, it has gained much more significance.… Read The Rest

popular programming languages

Most Popular Programming Languages

Those who are new in the field of software development often become baffled with the question of where to begin with programming languages.
There are hundreds of choices regarding programming languages. But how will one discover which fits their purpose? Which will be most suitable? One of the most accessible paths to choose the best programming language is to learn about what the market prefers and do some research. Some of the most demanding programming languages for game development, mobile development, and web development are listed below-

  • Java– Java runs on nearly every system. Java is also the most favored Android language. So the majority of Android apps use Java as a programming language. Java is easier and faster to maintain with fewer bugs, as Java is a statically-typed language.
  • The C Programming Language– C is one of the most popular and oldest programming languages. The runtime of C is relatively small. So, C is ideal for keeping systems lean. C++ takes over its syntax from C language. It assists in developing cross-platform mobile apps with its unique debugging characteristics. C++ can support in creating operating systems and complex applications like creating Paypal, Google Chrome, and Photoshop. C Sharp or C# is a multi-paradigm language which is also object-oriented. One can create almost anything using C#, programs like mobile apps, gaming, server applications, and web services.
  • Python– Similar to Java, the syntax of Python is intuitive, clear, and almost similar to the English language which has placed Python among the top ten languages. Python’s “object-based” subset is somewhere similar to JavaScript. Different business organizations and enterprises prefer Python as a programming language as it provides a better experience to users and also, better results.
  • Javascript– Javascript is speedy and straightforward. As a result, more tech businesses and startups are starting to use JavaScript. It permits developers to add interactive effects to web pages. It often works with HTML. Though it is becoming more usual for web apps to be created totally in JavaScript.
  • Ruby– Including Twitch, GitHub, Twitter and Airbnb, many Silicon Valley web pages are built on Ruby. It permits developers to do more work with applying less code. Ruby on Rails takes less time to run a web application than it takes in other frameworks.
  • Kotlin- Kotlin is a language which is object-oriented. Though the structure of Kotlin is quite similar to Java, it is relatively clean than Java. Kotlin supports nearly all the Integrated Development Environments, including Android Studio and SDK toolkit . It helps Java virtual machine. Further, one can mix Kotlin with JavaScript source code. 
  • PHP- PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a general-purpose programming language. It is a scripting language, which runs on a server, and is used to build web pages written in HTML. It is cheap and free; The set up is easy and straightforward to apply for new programmers. PHP is a powerful option for web developers around the globe. It is extensively used to build images used on websites and dynamic web page content. 
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laravel php framework

What is Laravel?

Laravel is a PHP (Personal Home Page) based framework used mainly to create web-based applications using a wide range of significant and useful syntaxes. Taylor Otwell developed this framework as an attempt to introduce a more advanced alternative to build web applications than those which were available at that time. What added to the superiority of Laravel was the feature of built-in support for client authentication and authorization.

Laravel is an umbrella framework that encompasses a wide range of features and technologies like ASP.NET, MVC, Codelgniter, and many more. This framework is an open-source framework that can be easily accessed by users. It is not only time-saving but also eases the process of creating the entire concept of a website from scratch by providing a suitable framework according to the needs of the user.

Along with being cost-effective and time-saving, it also ensures the safety of your created web application. If one understands the basics of PHP as well as a certain amount of PHP scripting, the Laravel framework can significantly help you in creating and customizing your web-based application.

Important facts about Laravel

As mentioned above, Laravel is a necessary framework which a considerable amount of people make use of due to the various features and technologies associated with it. Before understanding the nitty-gritty of the structure, here are some essential facts about Laravel:

  • Laravel is a PHP-based web-framework developed by Taylor Otwell in July 2011.
  • It is one of the few open-source PHP frameworks easily accessible to the users.
  • The framework is entirely compliant with MVC i.e.; it follows the model-view-controller framework.
  • It is one of the most popular frameworks for web application development, introducing new features such as user authentication and authorization to the forefront.
  • The Laravel 6.0 version happens to be the newest version of the framework that was released on 3rd September 2019. The latest version contains features such as the Ignition error page, improved authorization responses, job middleware, and many more.

Noteworthy features of Laravel

Laravel has been improvising and updating itself quite rapidly in the last few years, introducing unique and game-changing features to the forefront. Due to these continuous and dad-to-day updated and features, Laravel is getting more powerful and is getting more and more popular among the users. Here are a few noteworthy features of Laravel which make it different and unique:

  • Tool Integration– At times, the performance of a site is significantly hampered by the various functionalities and features that it incorporates. It can, after that, affect the most critical element of any web-app i.e., speed. Laravel provides the unconventional support of popular cache backends such as Redis and Memcached to ease the process of enhancing the speed of your application. Hence, integration, along with caching, can considerably help in improving the speed and efficiency of your use.
  • Blade Templating Engine – The .blade.php file extension helps Laravel web-developers to change, customize, or revamp the entire layout of the web page without facing any hassles. The extension helps in enhancing the webpage by enabling the user to add different designs, re-use or split templates, developing the code with just a few characters as well as organizing the file system in a hierarchical, logical and systematic way, as per the requirements of the user.
  • High-Security Migration System– Web-application developers are at constant risk of facing multiple cyber attacks daily. Development of a web-application and security vulnerabilities are two factors that are connected. These security vulnerabilities may include SQL (structured query language) injection, cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery, etc. Laravel deals with such security breaches within its framework by using encrypted SQL to prevent any SQL injection and ensures to create an encrypted password rather than saving a password with plain-text. It further enhances the security system of Laravel.
  • PHP Unit Testing – Verification and testing of a web-application are considered to be essential steps in the development process. It ensures that the application does not contain any errors, glitches, bugs, etc. Laravel provides unit testing with a file extension phpunit.xml to the users to help them remove any errors adhering to the initial application requirements.
laravel dashboard
Laravel Dashboard Example

Reasons responsible for the popularity of Laravel

As mentioned above, Laravel has gained tremendous popularity in recent times owing to the various updates, features, and useful functionalities that it incorporates. Some of the reasons for its popularity are cited below:

  • The Laravel framework is easily accessible and time saving by enabling the users to hundreds of lines of codes within a few minutes with the help of tools provided by the web application developer.
  • It contains efficient security systems to battle any security vulnerabilities like SQL injection by creating encrypted passwords rather than using passwords in plain text.
  • Unit testing is included in the Laravel framework, which helps the users in removing any bugs, errors, or glitches present in the application.
  • The framework also contains a blade templating system to enable the user to write codes with the help of predefined templates provided by this feature. This addition eases the overall process of developing a web-based application.
  • Laravel contains a variety of tools, libraries, and templates which makes the life of web-developers stress-free and straightforward. Due to the rapid introduction of updates and features, the framework successfully fulfills the requirements of the users, which significantly adds to the popularity of Laravel.

The Takeaway

Laravel has gained a tremendous amount of popularity and recognition in the last few years in the web developing industry. The framework is continually evolving and introducing new features, tools, and functionalities to ease the process of web application development. The framework is easy-to-use for people who have a good understanding of PHP. Besides, the framework is time-saving, easily accessible, and an open-source for everyone to use.

Laravel provides features such as high-security systems, unit testing, robust authorization, blade templating engine, tool integration, and many more to help users develop a glitch-free and errorless application. It has revolutionized the field of web-application development by providing in-built templates and tools to write hundreds of lines of codes within just a few minutes. All these features contribute significantly to the success of the Laravel framework.… Read The Rest

An Introduction To Rust Programming

Rust is a programming language that offers the executive functions of both C and C++. Rust is used to create an application for embedded computers, the web, command line, and distributed services.

To write code swiftly with a low memory footprint formerly meant working with C or C++. Though using these languages requires one to manage memory manually. Rust is a controlling compiler. It makes sure that the user is utilizing memory safely so that he can focus on the problem he is trying to solve. Moreover, Rust adds few extra features of some higher-level languages.

There are hundreds of organizations that use Rust in production, like Yelp, Dropbox, and Cloudflare. The deficiency of runtime in Rust makes it one of the few modern programming languages suitable for extremely low resource environments. It can perform cross-platform command-line applications.

A range of developer tools would be available, including Clippy that helps to ensure informal code style. Linter is used for highlighting potential bugs, and support in Integrated Development Environments via IntelliJ Rust and Rust Language Server. Rustfmt is a tool based on a default code style used for automatically formatting code. 

Rust has also improved existing tools like the borrow checker, which helps to ensure code is memory safe. 

Rust is safer than C++ and C:

The most significant difference between Rust and C++ is the prominence on inscribing secure code.

By writing with safe code, objects are organized by the language from scratch to the end. The programmer does not manage memory as is necessary for C++ or C. For a given factor, the particular quantity of memory is secure to be allotted or reserved for the item. While accessing this object, it’s not possible to get a memory location that’s out of bounds accidentally. Once the task is completed, the system can mechanically de-allocate the item. The technologist won’t need to manually unreserve or “free” the memory utilized by that object.

Rust is more complicated than GO-

Go could be a fashionable language that permits programmers to inscribe low-level code which is memory safe. The performance characteristics also are of a low-level language. Whereas Rust is additionally excellent at coinciding programming, the basic goal isn’t that. Whereas Rust doesn’t attempt to be sophisticated for the sake of quality, the language doesn’t specialize in simplicity as smartly as Go will. Go oft leaves out options thought-about essential by different languages, like generic sorts, to take care of its goal of simplicity. Rust, on the opposite hand, could be a fairly advanced language and is much a lot of parallel to C++.

Online services

Rust conjointly makes resistance to writing code that leaks memory and different resources. This facet contributes to lower prices concerning the server. Attractive knowledge from numerous online services would even be easier with Rust thanks to executing support for the expect or async commands. It’ll build it a lot easier to put in writing an unsynchronised code that doesn’t suspend whereas awaiting knowledge to be transported.… Read The Rest