Examining jQuery

Among many of the e-libraries jQuery is the easiest one that simplifies web applications especially HTML. It is an Javascript open source library which makes the navigation simple as well as make its creation easy to go. Mainly it simplifies document object model creations and its manipulations. It also works on XML, and asynchronous event handling. So basically jQuery is a set of Javascript libraries which specifically simplifies HTML documents, Ajax animations and event handling. jQuery doesn’t require more effort for coding so it is a simple and less coding needed set of Javascript. Before jQuery was created most of the developers used Javascript to create the web designs and frameworks but it was time consuming as well as complicated in terms of coding and web browsing. So to simplify the process group of web developers created a set of Javascript libraries which was more powerful and easy. So both are the same languages but it is a modified version of Javascripts that simplifies the HTML documents mainly.

Difference in jQuery and JavaScript:

Mainly it focuses on working in less coding. It is mainly optimized to work in a simplified way with a variety of web developers. It takes less time in animation and event handling for most of the web browsers. Most of the Javascripts libraries work in a complex and large coding manner as compared to jQuery, that’s why this is the most used library in today’s time. Some projects need specific coding functions which are only available in traditional javascripts but jQuery can also make their styles scripted in its manner too. So it is a quick and more smart script as compared to others. Javascript still has difficulties to work on cross browsers but in the case of jQuery it can work with a variety of browsers in a simplified manner. So it is a less effort webtool which gives more results to get desired framework in a simple and light manner. As in Javascripts a lot of coding is required so jQuery can shorten those codes and lines in a simplified single line of coding wrap which makes the content more focused. That’s why it is the most popular yet most used library these days by many big names like Google, IBM, Microsoft and Netflix etc. In addition to simplifying the HTML codes and documents it also works on animations and graphic effects. DOM means documents objects model, it also can manipulate these programs as well as it can handle AJAX and HTML events with ease and less coding. Beside this it can also manipulate CSS scripts and utilities with a variety of browsers including cross browsers too which can not be worked with other Javascripts.


It helps to create dynamic web pages which provide a more powerful framework. These web pages are also helpful in making diverse web applications and their manipulation in scripts if required. In order to simplify the content first it separates HTML and Javascript libraries so that web developers can use these events separately and easily. With its shorthand functions it can make the content more clear and precise. Beside that it has the quality to add new methods and events to the previous elements so it has adaption quality which makes it more friendly to users. It can also work with other Javascripts that were being used highly before it. Because of its key features it became highly popular among web users as it is now used by top of the websites and used by more than 74% of users worldwide after its launch in 2006.

By its jQuery plug-in feature it became more accessible and extensible for manipulating events. As it has an open source engine called Sizzle it enhances the work efficiency with different varieties of web browsers. It can control asynchronous processing of lines and codes and also provide detection of features. The most important feature of jQuery is it can cope up with both modern browsers as well as old browsers which makes it compatible to all the browsers.

So it is a wrap up of many Javascript files which includes HTML, DOM, AJAX events and their files with manipulation and scripting of different files and their events in a less coding service for all the different web developers and browsers.… Read The Rest